

Your Small and

Since 2009, we have continued to develop and grow in all areas (#issuers, #Investors, #events). Today, we are a small and mid-cap boutique offering all relevant capital market services. Our values are the cornerstone of this success:

  1. Quality-conscious: Precision and excellence are our focus.
  2. Innovative: We set new standards and think ahead.
  3. In partnership: Together with our customers, we create sustainable added value.

These values are our compass - yesterday, today and tomorrow.

Focus on Small & MidCaps
for issuers and Investors.



Sustainability on the stock exchange.


More about sustainability.

As we know, sustainability is not a state, but a process, i.e. the constant change towards more sustainability. With our expertise in sustainable finance & ESG research, we are closely supporting issuers and investors in this transformation. We also rely on an extensive partner network of sustainability enablers to provide our clients with the right solution at all times.

Only those who succeed in combining economic success with a positive impact on the environment and society, thereby meeting the needs of all stakeholders, will enjoy sustainable success on the stock market today. We are deeply convinced of this. We would be happy to support you in finding the right formula for success.

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