

Montega AG - Disclosure

Montega has taken various measures to avoid conflicts of interest. These include the fact that all employees of Montega AG are prohibited from trading shares from its own coverage universe for which a mandate relationship exists with the issuer for the preparation of research. In addition, both employees and the company are prohibited from accepting benefits granted to persons with a special interest in the content of the research publications. In order to ensure the greatest possible transparency, Montega has prepared an overview in accordance with Section 85 WpHG and Art. 20 Regulation (EU) No. 596/2014 in conjunction with Delegated Regulation 2016/958. Delegated Regulation 2016/958.


3U Holding AG


1, 8, 9


A.S. Création Wallpapers AG


1, 8, 9




1, 8, 9


AlzChem Group AG


1, 8, 9


Berentzen Group Aktiengesellschaft


1, 8, 9


Bertrandt Aktiengesellschaft


1, 8, 9


Bike24 Holding AG


1, 8, 9


Brockhaus Technologies AG


1, 8, 9


Cantourage Group SE


1, 8, 9


CENIT Aktiengesellschaft


1, 8, 9


CeoTronics AG


1, 8, 9


CEWE Foundation & Co. KGaA


1, 8, 9


Cherry SE


1, 8, 9


Delignit AG


1, 8, 9


Delticom AG


1, 8, 9


Edel SE & Co. KGaA


1, 8, 9


elumeo SE


1, 8, 9


ERWE Immobilien AG


1, 8, 9




1, 8, 9


FamiCord AG


1, 8, 9


FORTEC Elektronik AG


1, 8, 9


Havila Kystruten AS


1, 8, 9


Knaus Tabbert AG


1, 8, 9


Koenig & Bauer AG


1, 8, 9


LPKF Laser & Electronics SE


1, 8, 9


Masterflex SE


1, 8, 9




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1, 8, 9


Mountain Alliance AG


1, 8, 9


MPC Münchmeyer Petersen Capital AG


1, 8, 9


MS Industrie AG


1, 8, 9


Netfonds AG


1, 8, 9


Nordex SE


1, 8, 9


Nynomic AG


1, 8, 9




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) AG


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Private Assets SE & Co. KGaA


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q.beyond AG


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1, 8, 9


sdm SE


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Serviceware SE


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Shelly Group SE


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Smartbroker Holding AG


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SMT Scharf AG


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1, 8, 9


Sto SE & Co. KGaA


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1, 8, 9


The Platform Group AG


1, 8, 9


UmweltBank AG


1, 8, 9


Uzin Utz SE


1, 8, 9


Wolftank Group AG


1, 8, 9


Wüstenrot & Württembergische AG


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ZEAL Network SE


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  1. In the past 12 months, Montega AG has entered into an agreement with the issuer for the preparation of financial analyses, for which Montega AG receives remuneration.
  2. In the past 12 months, Montega has entered into an agreement with a third party for the preparation of financial analyses for which Montega AG receives remuneration.
  3. Montega AG has provided other consulting services for this company and/or its shareholders in the past 12 months.
  4. Montega AG and/or a legal entity contractually affiliated with it was/were bound by an agreement with the analyzed company for services in connection with investment banking transactions within the last 12 months or has/have received services from such an agreement.
  5. Montega AG and/or its affiliates expect to receive or intend to seek compensation from the Company for investment banking services in the next three months.
  6. Montega AG, the analyst responsible for the preparation of the analysis or another employee of Montega AG holds shares of more than 5% of the share capital of the analyzed issuer at the time of publication.
  7. Montega AG, the analyst responsible for the preparation of the analysis or any other employee of Montega AG owns a net short or long position of more than 0.5 % of the issuer's share capital at the time of publication.
  8. A company affiliated with Montega AG may hold an interest in the share capital of the issuer or hold other financial instruments in this company.
  9. Montega AG or a legal entity affiliated with it has significant financial interests in the analyzed company, such as the acquisition and/or exercise of mandates or the provision of services for the analyzed company (e.g. roadshows, round tables, earnings calls, presentations at conferences, etc.).
  10. In the last 12 months, Montega AG has provided services (via a third party) to a board member of the analyzed company in relation to a transfer of shares in the analyzed company and received remuneration for this.
  11. Montega AG has presented the issuer as an investment opportunity to a potential investor and receives remuneration from the potential investor if the latter invests in the issuer.
  12. The issuer has commissioned Montega AG to provide additional services for which Montega AG receives remuneration from the issuer.

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